Thoughts on Let There Be Carnage — Week 40

2 min readOct 12, 2021

So I’m two weeks behind again on my post so two post will come out back to back! This first post, I want to talk about the second Venom movie, Venom 2 Let There Be Carnage. My husband and I actually watched it on the Friday it came out since we were so excited to see another MCU adjacent movie.

I will be mentioning spoilers so if you haven’t seen it, please do not continue!

Personally I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. The action was great and interaction between the characters were fun. But there were a few things I felt was really weak with this movie.

First, Woody Harrelson as Carnage/Kasady is fantastic. I love Woody and just seeing him in a movie is such a treat. He really played the role of a psychopath so well and it was fun to watch. In regards to his character as well as his love interest, Shriek, I wish there was more and more developed. Yes, they’re the villain in this, but there could have been more to show. Honestly, both of these characters could have been written better but both actors played them well.

Now the whole conflict between Venom and Eddie was probably one of the weakest part of the movie. Basically Venom wants to eat bad guys but Eddie doesn’t want him to. The writers rehashed the same conflict from the first movie and put it in this one. It was still funny like when Venom and Eddie separated for awhile but their arguments were starting to get old.

The best part of the movie for me was Carnage’s introduction scene. Seeing him break out of the execution cell and killing all the guards has to be one of the best villain introduction scene I’ve ever seen. The music, the screenplay, it was perfect.

And the last thing, the movie is rated PG-13. They probably needed to lower the rating to try to get a bigger audience but that really lowered the quality of the movie. Venom’s storyline in the comics are known to be violent and having it toned down for the movie left more to be desired. You knew awful things were happening because of the nature of the character but it was just disappointing not being able to see it.

Overall though, I still enjoyed it. It was a fun movie and then there is the mid-credit scene that makes me excited to see where Venom will go moving forward.

But that is it for me! I’ll see you all next time.




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